Sarah and Splodge's Cat Story 2020

“Wow! What a great experience! When I took my cat in this morning she had matts all over her back legs and smaller knots throughout her coat. I have tried every technique I knew in trying to get them out but without success. Causing much stress for both parties. I eventually found out about Absolutely Animals, after extensive Google searching for a cat groomer, and that they had a Learn to Groom Your Own Cat course and booked onto it right away.
Heidi and Nicole were absolutely brilliant. The cat whisperers! Splodge was calm throughout the process and although she tried her usual squirming at some points she was told off very firmly but gently and she just allowed us to get on with it.
I was truly amazed at how much she seemed to enjoy the process and how relaxed she was with them and in a new environment. I am so thrilled that I did the course as I now know exactly what to look for and how to handle her to get the job done at home and hopefully going forward, grooming her will be a lot more manageable.
If you are thinking about doing this course, I would absolutely recommend it. Do it! Sign on now! It has changed how I view having to groom my cat and it takes the stress off of you and the cat when you know what you’re doing and how to do it safely, speedily and efficiently. Of course ultimately it will save you money on expensive grooming bills if you can maintain and upkeep the initial work done.
So in short to Heidi and Nicole, thank you so much. Splodge was super chilled when we got home as well and didn’t bolt off outside like I thought she would. You guys are miracle workers and have done a wonderful job, both with Splodge and with teaching me how to groom her properly as well. Thank you!
Sarah and Splodge 2020″